About Us
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Fullstack Tech Consulting Agency.
-We're Professional.
Providing you with eCommerce websites, customized mobile apps, data organization, cloud solutions and much more.
Fulfilling your business's software needs, regardless of its size.
Development of software for industry specific products for non-profit organizations, HR, eCommerce, healthcare industry, etc.
-We're Progressive.
Designing Cutting edge software with the ability to accommodate more than 10,000 users.
95% of the products we've developed for startup businesses are functioning successfully and reaching revenue goals.
Check our Services
Web Development
Technology strategy and consultation, custom application development and progressive Web Applications
Digital Marketing
Content marketing to target a specific audience and marketing for Email, social media, & video
We've skilled in wide range of web and Other digital market tools.
Years of experience
Completed Projects
Country Served
Customer Satisfaction
Check our Portfolio
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- Web
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NFT Valuations- Robust market captitalization
Stack: Node, TailwindCSS, NFT, Blockchain

Gamdom - Crypto casino, gambling sites
Stack: Gamble, Betting, Node, React

Leo - Restaurant website
Stack: JavaScript, TailwindCSS, React, Payment API

The Bowen Group - the Bowen management site
Stack: Wordpress, Elementor, MySQL

WAITR - Restaurants social media channels
Stack: React Native

Merit - Educational consultant site
Stack: Wordpress, Elementor, MySQL

Preventa Medical - Enhanced preventive care with advanced imaging analytics
Stack: jQuery, Bootstrap, Django, Python, Firebase

Envision2bWell - well-being and social health empowerment
Stack: jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, Laravel, MySQL

Banks Best Rates - Most educational and informative financial website
Stack: jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, CI, MySQL

PrimeChoice - Prime Choice group site
Stack: HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap, Node, React

All Care Medical - Provides medical facilities to its users with latest technology
Stack: jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, CI, MySQL

Brighterlink Dashboard
Visualization Dashboard for Solar Energy Consumption
Stack: Angular, Node

USAMM - eCommerce Site
Stack: Magento

DiscountFlights - Airline ticket reservation site
Stack: HTML, CSS, JS, React, Laravel

OCO - Contemporary fashion eCommerce site
Stack: Wordpress, eCommerce

SchoolHire - Faculty booking services
Stack: Ruby, Angular

ACCF - Medical Services
Stack: Wordpress, WooCommerce

FamilyTraveller -Social site for family travel
Stack: Zend Framework

Hire and Artirst - Post & hire talent services
Stack: HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Laravel

Escape Advanturers - Most adventure travelling site in the world.
Stack: Wordpress

David maus Chevy - Car selling service
Stack: React

If I Need Help - eCommerce website
Stack: React

Seacch Gurubani - Instant gurubani search
Stack: HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Laravel, MySQL

Betting-Forum.com - Betting site

Buying and Renting Real Estate Services
Stack: Stack: HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Laravel, MySQL
They say about us
Contact Us
37 Wall St. New York, NY 10005
(941) 580-7652